In order to combine the favorable properties of English/Italian ryegrass (Lolium) and those of tall fescue/meadow fescue (Festuca) in one variety, both types are crossed. The cross can be made between Perennial ryegrass or Italian ryegrass on the one hand and tall fescue or meadow fescue on the other. Depending on which varieties are used for the crossing, the properties of Festulolium are different. Often Festulolium varieties are also closer to either Festuca or Lolium traits. The most important properties of each species are listed in the overview below. Festulolium is used in our region almost exclusively under mowing conditions.
At the moment, one variety is registered on the Belgian Variety List:
FESTILO (2016)
- Tetraploid variety
- Cross between hybrid ryegrass (type Italian ryegrass) and Meadow fescue
- Good resistance to rust and leaf spot
- High DM yield both in autumn sowing and in spring sowing
- Very little tendency to ear formation in year of construction
- Growth type is more like Italian ryegrass than Meadow fescue