
ILVO recommends using grass mixtures based on varieties whose properties have been tested under Belgian conditions and that are included in the Belgian variety list.

Grasses for green fodder purposes

Only grassland with a good botanical composition can provide high levels of energy and protein. A correct choice of grass types and varieties with future use in mind is crucial, supported by proper planting, a well-maintained cultivation and good exploitation.

In contrast to arable crops and other green fodder crops, mixtures of different species and/or varieties of grasses are often sown. By understanding the properties of grass species and varieties, farmers can choose the most appropriate mixture for their needs.

It is therefore recommended to use grass mixtures based on varieties whose properties have been tested under Belgian conditions and that are included in the Belgian variety list.

View the variety lists

Permanent grasslandTemporary grassland
Perennial ryegrassFestololium
TimothyHybrid ryegrass
Meadow fescueItalian ryegrass
Cock's foot or Orchard grassWesterwolds ryegrass
Tall's fescue
Smooth meadow-grass
View the comparative table of characteristics of grasses

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