Smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis L.)
This perennial grass species is particularly drought-resistant and forms underground runners, making it well suited as a sod shutter. It is very hardy. In a seed mixture that also includes perennial ryegrass, it occurs sporadically in the first few years after sowing. The shooting date is in the first half of May, which means that cattle like it less. Smooth meadow-grass is particularly susceptible to leaf spot disease, which severely affects its competitiveness.
When using smooth meadow-grass, absolute preference should be given to varieties that are only slightly susceptible to leaf spot disease.
Due to the particularly slow germination and juvenile development, it takes several years before the share of this species in the sod becomes significant (by extending via its underground runners). For these reasons, use is not justified when laying grassland with a temporary duration. With regard to the production in a mixture, the contribution from smooth meadow-grass is very small.
At the moment, the Belgian variety list does not contain any varieties of this grass species.