Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea L.)
Tall fescue is a perennial grass that is resistant to both drought and moisture. The initial development after sowing is much slower than with perennial ryegrass and the species requires relatively high temperatures so that early spring sowing and late autumn sowing are not desirable. This type of grass is primarily intended for mowing, but when young it can also be grazed. Reed fescue is sensitive to riding (sod thinning) in the first year. Tall fescue can be highly productive; under mowing conditions it yields an average of 15% more than perennial ryegrass. In silage or hay form, tall fescue is generally well absorbed by livestock despite its rough-leaved form. It is not very susceptible to diseases, except for occasional rust damage.
View the variety list of tall fescue 2022
View the breeders and the representatives of varieties of tall fescue 2022